though he were an honourable slip of that ancient tree of nobility [the earls of Oxford] � yet he brought more glory to the name of Vere, than he took of blood from the family. � He was amongst the Queen's swordmen, inferior to none, but superior to many. (Naunton, 295�6)Cecil elsewhere declared: �Hee was the verie Dyall of the whole Army by whome wee knew when we should fight or not� (Dalton). It is an epitaph Sir Francis Vere might have chosen.
C. H. Firth, introduction, An English garner,
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PRO, SP 84 � Nationaal Archief, The Hague, archief van de raad van state,
12�24, 1232�8, 1525 � Nationaal Archief, The Hague, archief van de
staten-generaal, liassen Engeland 5881�3; liassen Lopende 4891, 4900�2;
staten van oorlog 8040�5; loketkast 12576; financial records, 12503, 12356 �
Nationaal Archief, The Hague, Archief van Johan van Oldenbarnevelt, 2943�5,
2950, 2971, 2977 �
BL, Stowe MS 168 � LPL, MS 657 � J. Orlers, Den Nassauschen
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J. W. M. Schulten, Het leger in de zeventiende eeuw (Bussum,
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Troy�, 1601�1604�, Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of London, 3
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BL, papers, Harley MSS, vol. 168, fols. 120 et seq.; vol. 287, fols. 243�55; vol. 6844, fols. 77 et seq. � CUL, commentaries | Hatfield House, Hertfordshire, Cecil papers and manuscripts � Nationaal Archief, The Hague, archief van de staten-generaal, liassen Engeland; liassen Lopende � TNA: PRO, state papers, foreign, Holland, SP 84
oils, c.1590, priv. coll.; on loan to NPG [see illus.] � R. Gaywood, etching (after memorial), BM, NPG � engraving (after portrait, c.1590), repro. in Markham, Fighting Veres, frontispiece � memorial, Westminster Abbey; repro. in Wilson, Queen Elizabeth, pl. iii